Dietary Recommendations
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Prostate cancer is one that has been confirmed in the laboratory as being diet-related.
Diet is important in the prevention and treatment of this disease.
Eat a natural whole food diet as much as possible: whole grains, raw vegetables, fruits, etc. Avoid processed foods.
Drink 2-3 quarts of purified water per day.
Use cold-pressed oils, especially extra virgin olive oil, to obtain beneficial fatty acids.
Consume more nuts, seeds, raw vegetables, fruits, fresh juices, dried beans, peas & brown rice. In particular, eat raw pumpkin seeds daily as they are helpful in all prostate problems due to the high zinc content.
Avoid refined carbohydrates, coffee and strong tea as these have been linked to prostate cancer.
Cut way back on alcoholic beverages, especially beer, which depletes the body’s store of zinc and vitamin B6.
Switch to organic sources of meat & dairy products to avoid excessive hormones that may have been fed to the animals. In general, limit your intake of meat & dairy.
Avoid “trans fatty acids” found in partially hydrogenated oils, margarine, processed food and fast food, especially when oil is heated for long periods of time (fried foods).